A tax check by former Uber drivers in Denmark shows that almost all drivers owe Tax money.
Danish Uber drivers have had difficulty in giving up correct information when they should report their revenue for the Uber drive to Tax.
In 99 percent of the cases in a recently completed tax check, Tax has discovered defects in the former drivers’ VAT and tax conditions.
This means that a total of approximately NOK 11.3 million will be paid back, according to a press release from Skat.
A total of 1195 drivers out of 1799 drivers’ information have been checked. They originate from the October 2014 period – when the Uber driving service came to Denmark – until the end of 2015.
Only three of the 1195 drivers had correct tax information.
The information is derived from the Dutch authorities, which provided information about drivers to Denmark in the autumn of 2016.
Drivers get a charge
According to Søren Buss, Deputy Director of Tax, the high misfortune in drivers’ reports is “quite unusual”.
Now we send charges to those drivers, so they get paid the treasure they are going to pay. In addition, we have asked the Dutch tax authorities for information for 2016 and 2017, so we can check if the drivers have reported the correct information in both years, he says in a press release.
He calls on all persons who know that they have had an income like Uber drivers in 2017 to settle it before it’s too late.
Tax Minister Karsten Lauritzen (V) also calls for digital services to report the correct tax.
There must be room for new digital services to operate in Denmark. But one of the prerequisites is that, for example, drivers pay taxes like everyone else who earns money in this country. And apparently it did not happen, according to the minister in a press release.